Jonny Fresh sees punctuality improvement of 2.3% with gamification

Explore how Jonny Fresh boosted driver efficiency and communication with an innovative gamification strategy, achieving a remarkable 96% on-time rate.

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How Jonny Fresh increased driver's efficiency with gamification

Jonny Fresh, a leading mobile laundry service in Germany and Austria, needed a solution to boost driver efficiency in pick-ups and deliveries while improving communication with drivers.


Partnering with vaibe provided the solution Jonny Fresh needed. By adopting a gamified strategy, Jonny Fresh achieved a 2.3% increase in punctuality, reaching an impressive 96% on-time rate. This collaboration also improved their recruitment process and fostered more engaging and effective communication with drivers.


Download the case study and discover how vaibe gamification helped Jonny Fresh optimize their operations and achieve these outstanding results.


improvement in punctuality


on-time rate

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